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Who/What we are: 


Who/What is The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center?

We are a small fellowship/soul center that was started in the founder’s personal home. The church incorporated at the state level June 10, 2024. It moved out of the founder’s personal home and into its own building July 17, 2024. The founder wants to empower others to gain or enhance their personal relationship with GOD to fulfill HIS purposes then moving on to discipling others to help spread the gospel.  


I-Our Mission

Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center, 

We want everyone to feel that our church is their “Safe Haven”. Somewhere to be able to come, be open, transparent, and honest with GOD about everything, and take the opportunity to repent when HE nudges us to recognize when we are sinning.    


{James 5:16  “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”}


The second part of our name is “Grace”. Grace represents the total forgiveness and LOVE that GOD extends over all of us through Jesus’s obedience and ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Grace covers all of us that seek to have a personal relationship with the Father. Nobody does or has led a perfect sin-free life, but Jesus. 

{Romans 3:23 “ for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”} 

{Roman 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”} 


Lastly, the end part of our name is “Worship Center”. We seek to be a basic physical location where everyone can openly worship GOD. If you are black, white, purple, alien, American or come from another ethnicity or culture, or LGBTQI+---- if you are here to gain or enhance your personal relationship with GOD-----YOU ARE WELCOME!~  We want you to feel comfortable enough here to come here in jeans and a ball cap, or all the way up to your Sunday best if that’s what suits you. 


GOD just wants you to come with an open heart and willing spirit to hear HIS personal message for you and feel HIS unconditional LOVE. 


We want you to recognize that your true identity is based in Christ, not any identities that the devil wants to confuse you into thinking you are.This is why we focus on an intergrative holistic approach. 


Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center, 

We believe Jesus Christ was sent to be a living example of the WORD, to teach and guide everyone to be obedient to GOD’s directions.  Jesus demonstrated the need for everyone to repent, for everyone to be baptized, for all that seek to be able to have a personal relationship with GOD for eternity.


As Christ-followers, we are strongest when pursuing Christ and demonstrating his traits and qualities with one another in our communities. Our congregation is not a group of people seeking to be perfect,  but a group of imperfect people trying to navigate this temporary physical life on earth while trying to follow GOD’s directions to fulfill HIS purpose for our lives to complete HIS plans as best as our human selves can.  


{Ephesians 4:32   “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” }


We seek to do this through our worship (music, bible studies, and our small groups), our imperfect congregation itself, and the community service that GOD leads our congregation to do for and with each other in our community. 


When we choose to allow other Christ-followers into our lives, we build bonds that the enemy cannot easily break. {Ecclesiastes 4:9-12} 

We will use the integrative holistic model, the 8 Pillars/Dimensions approach, all within the 10 Life Connections to provide you tools to empower you as an individual and your family members on how to be intentional in your Christian walk and how that is just a part of your complete wellness as a whole person.

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