Our Discipleship process:
***Most important!!
Get you a physical bible or a bible app***
Immediate Adoption Into GOD's Family:
When you come here, we want you immediately adopted into GOD's family! If you have never been baptized
or if you feel the need to re-dedicate yourself to following Jesus--we are happy to set up your baptism!
We want you immediately covered by Jesus's saving grace and then we will walk alongside you in support of your efforts to address the sin in your life. We don't want you to feel like you have to be perfect or sinless to be baptized! No one led a sin-free life except Jesus!
We want you to realize your true identity is based in Christ!--
Not any identity the world or the devil wants to lie and convince you it is!
[E]: Everyone (our leaders and our congregation) are automatically enrolled in our Milestone Ministry.
We want to celebrate your (as an individual) or your family’s milestones--whether everyday milestones or your Christian pathway milestones. (see Appendix A)
Step #1: Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center,
We want all of our leaders and congregation to have complete the Experiencing God 12 week series using the workbook by Claude King in collaboration with Henry, Richard and Mike Blackaby. Sister Mary can facilitate a group herself or she can contact Claude King himself to set up a workshop and 12 week time slot. We have copies of either version or Claude King can get us a group discount.
The Experiencing God series is about developing or enriching a relationship between the loving Creator of the universe and you, his special chosen creature. Experiencing God is a unique, ongoing opportunity. Jehovah GOD started the relationship when he sent his only son to earth to die on a cruel cross to pay the penalty for your sin. You embraced that relationship when you repented of your sin and asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. But your relationship with GOD didn't end there!!
Every day, every hour, every minute GOD welcomes you to abide in him to encounter him in his Word to pray to him without ceasing and to have him work powerfully through you as you obey him. Jehovah GOD doesn't want you to only believe in him---- he wants you to experience HIM and HIS chosen masterpiece daily.
GOD had a specific purpose when he designed you. He made you unique, different from every other person he has ever or will ever create. He offers you an experience uniquely tailored to who you are, where you are. Your experience with GOD will be based on his unchanging Word, but it will be perfectly suited to you. You will be amazed at how everything GOD promised in his Word perfectly matches the desires of your heart, the aspirations of your mind, and the longings of your soul.
Step #2: Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center,
We will also focus on our leaders and congregation completing the 12 week “ Getting Your Life On Target: Seeing Life from GOD’s Perspective: the Lens We Need to Live Free” by Steven J. Austin. Sister Mary has the curriculum, access to the videos, and will keep in contact with the author as his other resources come available. We have set the 12 week time slot in the upcoming posted schedule. (Appendix E)
Step #3: Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center,
We encourage people who have not previously completed to complete the 7 week Following Jesus program offered by the Experience Community Church (classes are available online or in person.)
Step #4: Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center,
We encourage people who have not previously completed to complete the 14 week Authentic Discipleship program also offered by the Experience Community Church (classes are available online or in person.)
Ordained Minister/Officiant steps:
If you plan on becoming a secular wedding officiant or ordained minister:
Our leaders get ordained through American Marriage Ministries and take their wedding officiant training course, download the resources, and Like their channel on YOUTUBE for useful officiant videos.
Christian specific officiants:
The leader will go to Christian Leaders Institute: and complete their licensed wedding officiant program, romance officiant course, funeral officiant course, ministry officiant course, and move onto the Licensed Christian officiant course.
– If a leader is truly motivated, he/she can start the process to fulfill the requirements to become an Licensed/Ordained Minister through the Christian Leaders Alliance to have a Christian based ordination.
Step #5: Expansion through the 10 Life Connections:
Spouse/Significant Other
Family (immediate and extended)
Friends/Small groups
Community (neighborhood, city, county)
Kingdom (state, country)
10. World (all over the world)
Discipleship within Life Connections 1-3 are strengthened by Safe Haven Grace Worship Center’s discipleship steps 1-3
Daily Discipleship Plan
Here are the steps to begin one’s Daily Discipleship Plan both individually and as a family or group:
1. Grab yourself a journal
2. Click on the Daily Plan option of the YouVersion Bible App. Listen to and/or read the readings and related Scripture.
3. Pick a deeper bible study topic series
4. Pray on the scripture and message mentioned.
5. Follow GOD’s discernment on the messages you hear
Discipleship within Life Connections 4-10 are strengthened by Safe Haven Grace Worship Center’s discipleship steps 3-5
Discipleship resources for your Family/SO/Friends/Small Groups:
Discipleship resources in our church/community:
North Boulevard Church of Christ
Discipleship across the kingdom/world: